Sonic Games
Sonic 2 Fly With Tails
Choose Tails Only in Options and repeatedly press jump to fly. Tails can fly forever without tiring!
Played 111777 times
More Free Sonic Games
Super Mario Bros 2
One of the strangest Mario games ever made. Play as Mario, Luigi, Toad, or Princess with her crazy jumping ability.
Sonic 2 Emerald Safari
A hack that makes the emeralds you collect grant you additional powers including increased speed and jumping
Sonic Streets Of Rage 3
This rom is a hack of Streets of Rage 3 where you can play as Sonic!
Sonic 2 Iceknights Crocodiles
This Sonic 2 hack has a watery theme to it. Whether there are actually Ice Knights or Crocodiles is another matter entirely.
Sonic The Lost Land 2
The land that time forgot is the scene of this great hack featuring 11 new stages to try out
Knuckles In Sonic 1
Play Sonic 1 but as Knuckles! Knuckles brings his own set of moves to this game including climbing walls and gliding.
Sonic Hedgehog Improvement
This rom hack translates Sonic for Sega over to the NES while also making all kinds of improvements.
Sonic Jam 6
Sonic has entered Mario world! Spin and jump per usual but also hurl fireballs once you grab the almighty fireflower!
Sonic Boy 4 Monster World
The 4th installment of Sonic Boy sees Sonic armed with his trusty sword and plopped down in Monster World
Legend Of Zelda
Gather the 8 pieces of Triforce and then set off for Death Mountain to do battle with Ganon and save Princess Zelda
Sonic 2 Haz
Featuring bright colors, new levels, and Sonics best pal Tails, this Sonic 2 hack offers a unique experience
Robotniks Creature Capture
Quickly! Capture as many creatures as you can with your trusty net. Those wily rabbits can be tricky so aim carefully!
Silver Sonic Rise of Death Egg
All new levels for Silver Sonic to explore in this fan made rom hack including a rave club stage and hell stage
Sonic 1 with Fries
Retrieve the stolen Chaos Fries across 6 unique levels and play as Sonic or Ray the Flying Squirrel
Sonic Tikal
A simple palette swap of Sonic 1 where you get to play as the echidna spirit known as Tikal instead of Sonic
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 XL
Eating onion rings makes Sonic fat and will make him slower. Run or jump on a [?] monitor to burn off the fat!
Sonic Painful World of Spikes
WARNING: This game is difficult! Sonic must navigate a world full of pain and spikes!
Sonic 3D Blast 6
A fun nes hack featuring Sonic that is not actually 3D but your typical side scroller instead
Sonic Boy 2 Eggmans Trap
Sonic is a sword wielding knight where he must defeat MEKA Dragon. You play as Tails and Sally later on too!
Super Mario Bros 3
A NES classic where the brothers Mario must rescue the kings of each of eight kingdoms before a showdown with Bowser
Knuckles Emerald Hunt
Knuckles must hunt through the zones of Sonic 2 and find the Emeralds. You can play through the zones in any order.
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